There are different hairstyles used to bald men. These styles have proven effective in hiding and covering up bald. It has helped to improve self-esteem of thousands of bald men. Three of the most common hair cuts are cutting hair, faux hawk, and shave to the max.
The first type of hairstyle is good for those with receding hair. It is also used for people who are beginning to develop baldness, but they are not visible yet. This style allows the hair is cut close to the scalp. This hairstyle uses a razor to cut hair. This why it is called a buzz cut due to the sound of the razor. The haircut is also commonly known as the flat top, cut brush and military court.
The second type of hair style for balding men called Falcon imitation. It is also good for people with receding hairline, especially in the temple area. This style keeps the hair shorter, but leave the hair longer at the center of the head. A hair gel or wax can be used for peak to longer hair. The spiky hair longer in the environment creates a punk look.
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